Doors open at 10:30 am for coffee and conversation.
Sunday Gathering begins at 11 a.m.
Child care is provided. Everyone is welcome!
Program ends at 12:30 p.m.
Featured Speaker: Carrah Q, “Shariah Law, The Hadith and The Golden Age of Islam; from the Death of the Prophet to the Crusades”
Community Moment: Morgan Rehberg
Musical Guest: The Celestial Teapots
The second in her series on Islam, this talk will discuss the development of the Hadith and its role in shaping Shariah Law. The bulk of the legal, philosophical and cultural development of Islam happened during the 8th and 9th centuries, considered the Golden Age of Islam. The Arab conquests, during this time, changed the globe geographically and culturally, eventually leading the to Western world’s Renaissance. Learn about the development of major cities and their architecture, as well as medical and scientific advancements of great Muslim figures in history.
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