Barbara (Janie) Williams, “Be My Valentine, Madalyn”

Date :
Venue :
Uptown Theater
Time :
11AM - 12:30PM

Doors open at 10:30 am for coffee and conversation.
Sunday Gathering begins at 11 a.m.
Childcare is provided. Everyone is welcome!
Program ends at 12:30 p.m.

Featured Speaker: Barbara (Janie) Williams, “Be My Valentine, Madalyn: a Love Letter to Atheist Women”
Musical Guest: TBA
Community Moment: TBA

Janie was raised Sylvania, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. She realized early on that she was born on the wrong side of the tracks. She believed in space aliens in second grade, thanks to the National Enquirer. She was convinced that the aliens had enough space to land their spacecraft in her backyard. She learned that you can save the lives of TV characters by shouting, “Hey! Look behind you! Run!” (Her granny did that for years, saving Julie Olson Williams of “Days of Our Lives” many, many times.)

Janie lived in Tampa, Florida, for five years, where she learned to despise a lot of ’80s music. She also had her beautiful and wise daughter while living in Tampa. She eventually moved back to Toledo, where she founded “Great Lakes Atheists” and had a convention in 2013. She ran away to Kansas City to meet up with a special someone #nevertoolateforhappiness. She is the current vice chair of Equality Kansas of Metro KC and grandmother of two bunnies and a gecko.

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