Sunday Gathering: Lindsey Doolittle, “Above the Rug”

Date :
August 18, 2019
Venue :
Uptown Theater
Time :
11AM - 12:30PM

Doors open at 10:30 am for coffee and conversation.
Sunday Gathering begins at 11 am.
Childcare is provided. Everyone is welcome!
Program ends at 12:30 pm

Featured Speaker: Lindsey Doolittle, “Above the Rug”
Community Moment: Kevin Krebs
Musical Guest: JJ Cantrell

NOTE: Due to the sensitive subject matter, this talk will not be live-streamed.

Lindsey Doolittle is author of the children’s book “Goodnight Mr. Vincent Van Gogh,” artist of the exhibition “Faces After Suicide,” and co-facilitator & board member of S.A.S.S. (Suicide Awareness Survivor Support).

Postvention is Prevention: After her husband, Sgt. Brett Doolittle of the Kansas City, Kansas police department, ended his life in 2015, she decided to turn his death into something good, open, and honest. Her candid discussion helps others find purpose in their pain and shows how the impact of post-traumatic growth can support others. Nothing is swept under the rug.

Lindsey’s children’s book is on permanent display in the Vincent Van Gogh Library in Amsterdam, where the artist once worked and lived. The Library’s director feels it is an important message to be heard. Brain health is just as important as our physical health. Suicide does not discriminate against age, gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, nonreligious beliefs, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, how much you love someone, or how much they love you. Let’s change the conversation about suicide. If you are hurting or know someone who is hurting, please reach out for help.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK

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