Location Update: We are now meeting at our new KC Oasis Community Center!
1717 W. 41st St., KCMO 64111
Please park on the street or in the parking garage at KU Med, two blocks due west. Our parking lot is reserved for those with mobility issues.
Musical guest: Josephine Eve (http://bit.ly/3Mo0qOI)
Community moment: Julie Manning
Featured speaker: Brooke Salvaggio, “URBAVORE Urban Farm & Compost Collective KC: Farm to Table, Table to Farm”
Brooke Salvaggio is an organic farmer, community composter, and food activist here in Kansas City, Missouri. She owns URBAVORE Urban Farm & Compost Collective KC with her partner in ecovangelism, Daniel Heryer. Together Brooke & Dan have created the city’s largest, longest-standing urban farm that feeds several hundred families every week. The farm specializes in heirloom vegetables, flowers, fruits, and pastured meat/eggs using regenerative practices that celebrate nature and build soil ecology. Their sister business, Compost Collective KC, is the only curbside compost company in the metro, collecting 25,000 pounds of food waste from individual households every single week. CCKC allows Kansas Citians to take climate action in their very own kitchen by keeping their food waste out of the landfill and returning it to local soil where it becomes nourishment once again. Together, these two businesses address food security, waste management, and soil restoration in a holistic, mutually beneficial way. This model for urban sustainability could be replicated in neighborhoods nationwide!
*By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the Oasis Code of Conduct (http://www.kcoasis.org/about-oasis/code-of-conduct/).