Location Update: We are now meeting at our new KC Oasis Community Center!
1717 W. 41st St., KCMO 64111
Please park on the street or in the parking garage at KU Med, two blocks due west. Our parking lot is reserved for those with mobility issues.
Musical guest: Nicole Springer (https://www.facebook.com/nicolespringersings)
Join fellow Oasians for a day of gratitude! There will be live music along with activities and games. Bring your leftovers or any other traditional holiday favorites. Oasis will provide turkey and ham. Sign up here for what you’d like to bring: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4AA4A622A0FF2-45496546-oasis?fbclid=IwAR2jNQ1CNkGQEcpGAo2P_dU9v1HofY1xAwAgxrszshtldZU-0TVMv0xcud4#/
ALSO: Micah Ministry will be providing 120 small gift bags for Santa to hand out to the children on Dec. 18, so please bring small, unwrapped, gender-neutral items to donate, such as stocking stuffers from a dollar store.
By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the Oasis Code of Conduct (http://www.kcoasis.org/about-oasis/code-of-conduct/).